ScreenwritingU Alum Nicola Pittam (ProSeries 43, MSC 2) has landed representation with literary manager Adam Harris Engelhard, of Mailroom LA.
Adam will represent Nicola on her screenplays, novels, non-fiction and other writing-based projects.
Nicola connected with Adam when she pitched her TV Pilot, THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SON, which made the 2019 Bitch List after it was nominated by Adam.
Previously, Nicola completed a feature film writing assignment and is now working on two new scripts that are based on her brand – real life/true story featuring strong women.
Nicola has multiple scripts and a writing assignments already under her belt. She is also an accomplished journalist and has a published, award winning biography, Christian Bale: The Inside Story of the Darkest Batman, co-authored with Harrison Cheung.