Two major differences:
A. Our focus is creating MARKETABLE screenwriting. That means that every program we deliver will provide insights into how to make your script as marketable as possible.
Our objective: Scripts that are irresistible to producers.
You’ll see immediately that our classes aren’t the garden-variety classes taught by retired English teachers. We don’t spend time telling you how to format your script or how to use correct grammar. All of those are important, but they don’t get a script sold.
There are nine components to a Highly Marketable script. They are:
A marketable concept.
Roles and relationships that are appealing to A-list actors.
A compelling conflict that grips us throughout the script.
An intriguing opening that demands we read the entire script.
Fascinating scenes and moments.
Depth and subtext that engages the mind.
An emotional roller coaster.
Extremely well written
A flexible writer committed to the success of the project.
B. This program is designed to give you a profound learning experience.
Besides being a writer/producer, Hal Croasmun spent 18 years designing training programs for Fortune 500 corporations. These programs have been specifically designed to cause learning in 14 ways, including:
Information about the skill.
Writing a scene using that day’s skill.
Rewriting the scene to incorporate new ideas and learning.
Reading the other writer’s scenes.
Breakthroughs that occur throughout the process.
Training the unconscious to generate ideas daily.
Gaining a healthy perspective on performance anxiety. And others
So you’ll be learning through information, through writing, and through seeing how others write their scenes. Keep in mind that the information you receive is a small part of the learning process. It’s purpose is to highlight that skill so you can improve your abilities in that area.