SU Alumni Successes

Over 500 ScreenwritingU Alumni (SU Alumni) have made a screenwriting deal – option, sale, writing assignment, or representation.  To be in the SU Alumni, a writer must complete either the ProSeries or the Binge Worthy TV program.

Here are some of their recent screenwriting deals:

Congratulations to Jill Maxey, who recently got a distribution deal for her next movie.  She is currently co-writing a script for Sobini Films, a division of Lions Gate. She has also recently directed a low budget film that already has a distribution deal.
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Sept. 2007:  John Arends wins the Grand Prize at PAGE International for a script he rewrote in our Rewrite class called SOLOMON’S WHALE.   His prize is $10,000.
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Yarrow Wayman won the Starfish award at Moondance for her ProSeries script called MESSIAH #247. 
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Congratulations to ProSeries writer Alexis Niki who just published a book called “101 Screenwriting Tips.”   It is a quick reference tool that giv! es excellent advice in bite-size pieces and…I was quoted in it.  Well worth having next to your computer and it is only ten bucks.  Check it out at .
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Deb Stenard has her ProSeries script optioned by Random Girls Productions.  The script is titled A SNOWBALL’S CHANCE.   Congrats Deb.
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