Screenwriting Services

ScreenwritingU Coverage Services:
Advanced Notes for SU Alumni Writers Only

To give our Alumni the highest chance of success in this industry, we’ve developed high quality coverage to assist them in their journey to become professional screenwriters.  This coverage offers an in-depth analysis of your script, based on the techniques of the ProSeries and our other industry-leading screenwriting classes, with a strong focus on MARKETABILITY.

Only covered by readers with years of experience, our coverage also offers a unique “What to Do Next” section tailored to your script’s strengths and weaknesses, giving you direction you can immediately take action on. With precision notes in every area of your script, ScreenwritingU offers a much stronger picture of exactly what an Alumni writer needs to do to achieve their professional level goals.

All coverages provides the following:

  • Rating — Pass, Consider, or Recommend.
  • Synopsis of your story, as a reader would see it.
  • A list of highlights.
  • Ideas for improvement.

Your Coverage Options:


Concept evaluation: Breaking down what works well in your Concept and multiple steps for elevating it further.
Structure Analysis: In-depth grading of the primary plot and sub-plots, as well as the Dramatic Devices.
Character Notes: Direction for turning the characters into A-List Actor roles.
Scene & Dialogue Overview: A look at the scene arcs and strength of Dialogue throughout the script.


The above, PLUS
Scene & Dialogue In-depth Look: Detailed notes on 5 Key Scenes, with specific areas for improvement.
Marketability Discussion: Evaluation of the story’s Marketing possibilities and how to improve its chances.

When you sign up for Alumni coverage, you need:

  • Your script title, logline, and synopsis.
  • A .pdf of your script.
  • The intention to learn and grow from the coverage.

What Other SU Alumni writers say about this special coverage:

“I’ve read and re-read your Coverage and want to thank you. The Coverage exceeded my expectations and is/was way beyond other reviews I’ve received in the past on other scripts.

It was also helpful to follow your instructions on revisiting lessons from the Pro Series as additions to your comments.”

Jim Eckmann – PS 38


“The coverage was fabulous – and the ‘What To Do Next’ was key – because it gave me a FRAMEWORK to use and focus on and think about – after three or four passes through the different skills my thinking evolved to a place that allowed me to elevate the story to where it needs to be.”

Mark Stogo – PS 38


The Coverage service that ScreenwritingU offered me is the most thorough and extensive I’ve had. I received logical, easy notes to follow with examples, and right on the money suggestions. I followed Dimitri’s notes exactly and the calibre of my script has shot through the roof.”

Emanuel Gironi – PS 41